Since 1961

Helpful, entertaining, or just silly.

Conversions  Need a quick conversion?  Try these.

iRobot  In the late 80’s the coolest robots in the world were being developed at the MIT Artificial Intelligence Lab.  These robots, which were modeled on insects, captured the imagination of researchers, explorers, military, and dreamers alike.  Today, at iRobot, they’re pushing full steam ahead with robots for the consumer market and are considered one of the country’s leading robotics R&D labs.  Check out their website to see the latest.

Net Crimes & Misdemeanors  This Web site is designed as a resource for readers of Net Crimes & Misdemeanors.  To effectively utilize the directory of Internet resources featured, a copy of the book is essential.  If you already have the book, click here to enter the directory.

Reflections by Carl Sagan  The Pale Blue Dot.  Carl Sagan pointed out that “All of human history has happened on that tiny pixel …”

Working to Halt Online Abuse  WHOA is a volunteer organization founded in 1997 to fight online harassment through education of the general public, education of law enforcement personnel, and empowerment of victims.

Working to Halt Online Abuse - Kids-Teen Division  WHOA Kids/Teen Division is the offshoot of WHOA, a volunteer organization founded in 1997, to fight online bullying, harassment and stalking of Kids and Teens.

These are a few of my favorite websites.  Some of them may be helpful, others simply entertaining.  I’ll add to the list from time-to-time, so come back and visit again.  You never know what you’ll find.  If you should run across any “broken” links, please let me know, and I’ll try to fix ’em.  If you have a favorite you would like to see here, let me know about that, too.

73 - Dick.

This page was updated: August 25, 2022.  Please let me know if you come across a broken link.  Thanks.

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